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A Detailed Visualization Of The World’s Largest Cities | Daily Infographic

| source:Here Apr 29th, 2023

The world’s largest cities are usually bustling metropolises with millions of residents. Tokyo, Beijing, and New York City are some of the most well-known major cities in the world. However, there are also plenty of other large cities that are worth knowing about!



Tokyo is the capital of Japan and the world’s largest city. It is also the most populous metropolitan area in the world, with over 13 million people living in it. Tokyo has a larger population than any other prefecture in Japan, with an estimated 1,580,000 people living there as of 2017 (although this number has been disputed).


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Ollie Bye

Delhi is the capital of India, and it’s also the second most populous city in that country. It has a population of 11.8 million people — making it the largest city in northern India. The city was founded by Shah Jahan in 1639 as he laid out plans for his new capital city. The name “Delhi” comes from an ancient Hindu word meaning “city.” A few years later, when Aurangzeb became emperor and moved his court there from Agra (in central India), he changed its name back to Shahjahanbad (or Shahjahanabad).


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Shanghai is the most populous city in China and the second largest in the world. With a population of 12.5 million, Shanghai is one of four direct-controlled municipalities of China. It is also one of China’s premier tourist destinations, known for its historical landmarks such as The Bund, Yu Garden and cityscape views including those from Oriental Pearl Tower and Jinmao Tower. Shanghai has been recognized as one of four global cities (with New York City; London; Tokyo) on account of its high quality of life and history as one of Asia’s financial centers since 14th century CE.[1]

Sao Paulo

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Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, and the 10th largest city in the world. It’s also home to one of the largest metropolitan areas in South America. Sao Paulo was once known as “Cidade da Garoa,” or “City of Drizzle,” due to its frequent precipitation (garoa means drizzle). Sao Paulo is a major global center for finance, commerce and culture–it has been called one of “the two most important cities on Earth”–thanks largely to its position at an economic crossroads between Europe, Africa and America. Its port remains one of Brazil’s top trading hubs; it houses both private universities (including several with international reputations) as well as public schools; it has numerous museums including MASP (Museu de Artes de Sao Paulo), which houses over 20 million pieces from many different cultures around the world; it boasts some 100 parks within its borders; etcetera…

Mexico City

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Mexico City is the largest city in Mexico, and it has a population of 8.9 million people. It’s also the capital of the country and its most populous city. The city was founded in 1521 by Spanish conquistadors as Tenochtitlan, which means “place where people live on an island”. Its official name was changed to Mexico City when it became part of New Spain (now known as Mexico).

Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai and Sao Paulo are the four largest cities in the world.  This is a comprehensive list of the world’s largest cities by population size. It’s interesting to note that many of these cities are located in developing countries, but this doesn’t mean that they’re not developed or have thriving economies. In fact, some of them are among the richest in their respective country!


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Name: Michael Mcgrath

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Introduction: My name is Michael Mcgrath, I am a valuable, daring, vivid, bold, proficient, rich, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.