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Max George received a five-figure salary after being revealed as a star on MasterChef

MAX George's MasterChef pay has been revealed - with the star bagging a five figure salary.

The Wanted singer, 34, is one of the celebrities taking part in this year's series of the hit BBC One show.


Max was revealed in the official lineup that was confirmed yesterday by show bossesCredit: BBC


The Sun can reveal he'll scoop a nice sum of £12,000 for just two weeks workCredit: Rex

Max was revealed in the official lineup that was confirmed yesterday by show bosses.

And now The Sun can reveal he'll scoop a nice sum of £12,000 for just two weeks work.

A source revealed: “Everyone gets a standard fee which is around £12k - it’s only two weeks work so it’s not bad money.

"It can go up if you make it to the final - so everyone will be trying their best to stay in the competition!”

When approached by The Sun, a spokesperson for MasterChef declined to comment.

Max's reps were also contacted.

The singer will don his apron alongside stars such as Love Island's Dani Dyer, former glamour model Sam Fox and Strictly's Dianne Buswell.

They will all be hoping to follow in the footsteps of Lisa Snowdon who lifted the trophy last year.

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John Torode and Gregg Wallace will be casting their watchful eyes over the stars as they see if they have what it takes to become victorious.

Max is dating former EastEnders actress Maisie Smith and the pair have been forced to hit out at backlash over their age gap.

Speaking previously about the 13-year gap, Maisie told The Sun: “If it wasn’t that, it would be something else. People don’t understand what goes on behind closed doors in a relationship, and I think they also forget that I’m a consenting 21-year-old woman who’s actually been working longer than Max! 

“I don’t notice the age difference and neither do my friends or family. My mum Julia is the one who reads through all the comments. I got a message from her yesterday, saying: ‘Just ignore them, you two were made for each other.’

"I think that just puts it into perspective. I really don’t care what a random person thinks of my relationship when everyone I do care about is incredibly supportive. I’ve been in the business long enough to know you have to have a thick skin.”


The singer will don his apron alongside stars such as Love Island's Dani Dyer, former glamour model Sam Fox and Strictly's Dianne BuswellCredit: Instagram


When approached by The Sun, a spokesperson for MasterChef declined to commentCredit: Instagram

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VIDEO: Celebrity Masterchef UK - Max George - 06/09/23

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