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Meta Launches Features Powered by Gen AI for Ad Creatives

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    Meta has begun its rollout of generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered features for ad creatives in its Ads Manager.

    The features aim to help advertisers create and optimize their ad campaigns, the company said in a Wednesday (Oct. 4) press release. The global rollout of these features will be completed by next year.

    One new feature, Background Generation, allows advertisers to create multiple backgrounds that complement their product images, enhancing personalization and engagement, according to the release.

    Another, Image Expansion, adjusts creative assets to fit different aspect ratios across various surfaces, saving advertisers time and resources, the release said.

    A third new feature, Text Variations, generates multiple versions of ad texts based on the advertiser’s original copy, providing multiple options to better reach their target audience, per the release.

    These generative AI features have been tested in Meta’s AI Sandbox with a small and diverse set of advertisers, according to the release. Advertisers who were among early testers said they expect generative AI to save them five or more hours per week and believe that these features will drive campaign performance by enabling quicker development of more ad creative variations at scale.

    Meta’s generative AI investments are focused on helping marketers launch and test ad creatives faster and reach their target audiences more effectively, the release said. The company plans to continue developing generative AI features and experiences, including ones that offer advertisers more ways to generate ad copy, highlight product selling points and generate background images with tailored themes.

    Additionally, Meta is testing the use of AI for business messaging on Messenger and WhatsApp, enabling businesses to engage with customers and provide instant conversational responses, per the release.

    PYMNTS Intelligence found that generative AI has taken off exponentially, with new companies popping up nearly every day, promising labor- and cost-saving applications in every field. These solutions are already attracting millions of users, according to “Preparing for a Generative AI World,” a PYMNTS and AI-ID collaboration.

    “Companies exploring use cases for generative AI attracted more than $2.6 billion in investments in 2022 alone,” PYMNTS wrote in May. “The money companies can make is attracting everything from startups to multibillion-dollar tech giants.”

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